The Esper code base constists of about 300 source code and 270 unit test or test support classes, excluding examples. After build there are over 500 unit test methods that are automatically run to verify the build.
Esper requires the following 3rd-party libraries:
ANTLR is the parser generator used for parsing and parse tree walking of the pattern and EQL syntax. Credit goes to Terence Parr at The ANTLR license is in the lib directory. The library is required for compile-time only.
CGLIB is the code generation library for fast method calls. This open source software is under the Apache license. The Apache 2.0 license is in the lib directory.
LOG4J and Apache commons logging are logging components. This open source software is under the Apache license. The Apache 2.0 license is in the lib directory.
BeanUtils is a JavaBean manipulation library. This open source software is under the Apache license. The Apache 2.0 license is in the lib directory.
JUnit is a great unit testing framework. It's license has also been placed in the lib directory. The library is required for build-time only.